Friday, 30 September 2016

Lu Guang

Lu Guang

A freelance photographer, Lu Guang, has developed major documentary projects in China, all at his own initiative, focusing on some of the most significant social, health, and environmental issues facing his country today. His photographic work includes stories on gold diggers, local coal miners, the SARS epidemic, drug addiction along the Sino-Burmese border, Aids villages in Henan Province, the environmental impact of the Qinghai-Tibet railway, industrial pollution and the medical effects of schistosomiasis (bilharzia). Lu’s work covers a wide range of consequences due to China’s rapid industrialization.

Friday, 23 September 2016

David Doubilet

David Doubilet

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David has long since mastered the techniques of working with water and light to become one of the world’s most celebrated underwater photographers and a contributing photographer for National Geographic Magazine where he has published nearly 70 stories since his first assignment in 1971.

David Doubilet has spent five decades under the surface in the far corners of the world from interior Africa, remote tropical coral reefs, rich temperate seas and recent projects in the northern and southern ice.  David’s personal challenge is to create a visual voice for the world’s oceans and to connect people to the incredible beauty and silent devastation happening within the invisible world below.

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Friday, 16 September 2016

Peter Lik

Peter Lik

An Australian, Peter Lik, has been shooting expansive scenes of Mother Nature his whole life. He never took the gift of life's beauty for granted. Lik is best known for his panoramic photos, and the large size and overall quality of his prints. He typically shoots panoramas with a Linhof 617 Technorama camera, using Fuji film. He also shoots digital, primarily using Phase One and Nikon cameras. He prints most of his photos on FujiFlex silver-halide paper, which increases the light sensitivity and glow, and helps accentuate the vibrant colors in the print.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Andreas Gursky

Andreas Gursky

Renowned for his large-format colour photographs charting themes of globalised society at work and play, Andreas Gursky’s production employs the digital technology to capture and refine an astounding compilation of detail on an epic scale. The perspective in many of Gursky’s photographs is drawn from an elevated vantage point. This position enables the viewer to encounter scenes, encompassing both centre and periphery, which are ordinarily beyond reach.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Terry Richardson

Terry Richardson

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There are several repeating themes in Richardson's work, notably that of putting high-profile celebrities in mundane situations and photographing them using traditionally pedestrian methods. His work also explores ideas of sexuality, with many of the pieces featured in his books Kibosh and Terryworld depicting full-frontal nudity and both simulated and actual sexual acts. Initially, many of Richardson's subjects would be shot before a white background but he eventually expanded to other backdrops. He is also known for posing with his subjects, often giving them his trademark glasses so they may "pretend to be him".
Richardson is also known for his nonsexual portraiture. He has taken portraits of a wide variety of celebrities and politicians.

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